This summer the city will be paving 17 miles of streets including 18 streets right here in Ward 1. The following streets will be paved this year:
Apache Road from Indian Rock Road to dead end
Briand Drive from Upstone Drive to Beaver Street
Christian Drive from Cider Lane to Cathedral Circle
Cypress Lane from High Pine Ave. to Pine Hill Road
Dixville Street from Dublin Ave. to dead end
Dover Street from Durham Street to Dublin Ave.
Duchess Road from Shelburne Road to cul de sac
Durham Street from Dover Street to Dublin Ave.
Epping Street from Durham Street to Derry Street
Farley Road from city limit to city limit
Freedom Street from Meredith Drive to Dublin Ave.
Knowlton Road from Briand Drive to Broad Street
Meredith Drive from dead end to cul de sac
Shelburne Road from Coburn Ave. to Meredith Drive
Sunshine Court from Hampton Drive to dead end
Torrey Road from Shelburne Road to dead end
Townsend West from Amherst Street (sb) to cul de sac
Shelburne Road from Coburn Ave. to Meredith Drive